Apostle Raymond D. Trice, Sr.

Apostle Raymond D. Trice, Sr. was born in Orlando, Florida. He has studied several courses of instruction at the International Theological Seminary of Bradenton, Florida where he pursued his Doctorate Degree in Divinity. Finally, in May 2022, Bishop Trice received his Doctorate in Divinity Degree from The Wisdom Center Bible Institute, Fayetteville, Georgia. Apostle Trice is married to Lady (Prophetess) Odessa W. Trice.

Apostle Trice was baptized at an early age of 12, after receiving the Holy Spirit. However, not given the opportunity to preach publicly, it was not until during a service in Orlando, Florida, in 1968, that the late Evangelist A. A. Allen called him out of the crowd to the stage to give his testimony of God miraculously filling his teeth.

Brother Allen announced that God had instructed him to pass his mantle upon him, by declaring publicly, “As the spirit of Elijah did rest upon Elisha, so does my mantle rest upon your life, young man, in the name of Jesus!” There onstage, that night, he preached and was immediately laid hands upon by Brother Allen and his staff, including the late, R. W. Shambach, and licensed and ordained as an Evangelist. He was given the title by Brother Allen as: “GOD’S MAN OF FAITH & POWER!”

Apostle Trice has been blessed to preach to thousands during the Summer Camp meetings of Brother A. A. Allen, at Miracle Valley, Arizona. Apostle Trice since then has traveled extensively and evangelized throughout the nation and recently internationally.

Apostle Trice was affirmed as an Apostle in the Body of Christ on July 19, 2022, by The International Prelate, Chief Apostle, Dr. Lloyd Benson Sr. and the WORLD LINK Of CHURCHES & MINISTRIES INC. in Gonzales, LA.

Apostle Trice is now on Apostolic assignment in the Body of Christ to assist pastors and their churches in equipping and training their leadership core and ministerial staff in the 5-Fold ministry through his ministry of Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International.

Apostle Raymond D. Trice, Sr. is an anointed leader; teacher; conference speaker; and an author. He has published his first book, entitled, “Hidden In The Process of Time”

Apostle Trice has been given a vision for the people of God and is chosen, anointed, and appointed for this last day, end time move of God accompanied by signs and wonders. His mission is to glorify God by ministering to the hurting and restoring hopeless, shattered lives with the love and life of Jesus Christ.

For speaking engagements and conferences please contact Apostle Trice at:

P.O. Box 1242
Bradenton, FL 34206-1242

Lady Odessa Trice

Evangelist Odessa W. Trice is married to Apostolic- Bishop, Raymond D. Trice Sr, (Founder/Senior Pastor of Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International) in Wimauma, Florida. She is a mother of five gifted and talented children. She was saved at the early age of 10 and ordained and called into Ministry at 18 years of age.

Evangelist Odessa has pursued her education through several courses of study in which she has received several Degrees. In 1997 Evangelist Odessa went to Bible College at Judah Bible College in Apopka, FL studying under Bishop Gerald Doggett at Faith World where Pastor Clint Brown is the Senior Pastor then later, she received Bachelor’s in Nursing and her Master’s Degree in Healthcare Public Administrations in 2012.

Evangelist Odessa W. Trice is the founder and visionary for the Outreach Ministry R.O.A.D. 4 CHRIST Outreach International Ministries, birthed in October of 2010. She also hosts a You Tube Prayer Channel where she teaches on the subject, “The Art of Prayer.” Evangelist Odessa is the author of four published books entitled; “Don’t Abort The Seed” - “The Power of Prayer” -(Intercession and Travail) - “The Interim” and a children’s book entitled, “I am that I am”.

Evangelist Odessa Trice is an anointed, passionate, and committed teacher; conference speaker and intercessor whom God has ordained to equip; seek out and train others in the body of Christ through classes; sessions and lessons about the Power of Prayer and Intercession. Her mission is that WE become gap standers and watchmen for God by interceding for the needs of the Nations as a whole.

For Speaking Engagements: Call (407) 539-4143 P.O. Box 1424 Bradenton , FL 34206-1242 www.road4christ.com



Outreach/Evangelism Director

Minister Felix Amwayi is the Outreach/Evangelism Director of KDBMI in Wimauma, Florida. He is originally from East Africa, Kenya and is very passionate about winning souls and equipping others to fulfill the great commission. He strongly believes that Jesus “left the ninety-nine to win the one!”. His heart burns for cities and nations; to reconcile the lost back to their first love. His task involves, discipling them into the understanding of the unconditional love of God, the Father, and the revelation of the perfect finished works of Jesus Christ. Minister Felix does this through the various missions of global soul winning campaigns, street evangelism, crusades, and community outreaches. He is experienced, spiritually, and educationally equip to train others and different ministries on how to live a godly, fervent life as a soul winner. The scriptures reminds us that “He who wins souls is wise”. Minister Felix Amwayi has exhibited the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the Great Commission that Jesus command his disciples to do here on this earth... “Go ye into all the world”... He believes that the proof of salvation is living an abundant life expressed by liberty in the Holy Ghost.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.”

4 Components of our city vision:

team kdbmi

Leadership Team / KDBMI

Left: CARLA RANGE, (Chief Adjutant)
Middle: MINSTER FELIX ASHINDU AMWAYI (Outreach/Evangelism Director)
Right: TANGELAN SANDERS, (Assistant Administrator).