Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International, in 2012, was released from the heart of God into the heart of our leader and founder, Bishop Raymond D. Trice, Sr. along with his wife, Lady Odessa Trice, to be a refreshing force to the body of Christ. Bishop Raymond Trice has been preaching for over 40 plus years. As a child evangelist, he has traveled extensively all across the country and the state of Florida, impacting the lives of many both young and old, Finally at the age of 20, Pastor Trice was given an opportunity to pastor his first church in Sanford, Florida. He relocated to Rochester, New York in 1982, and became the pastor of the Holy Miracle Church. In 1993, Pastor Trice was directed by the Holy Spirit to return back to Florida, where he settled down in the city of Bradenton, Florida and started a new ministry, True Deliverance Fellowship Inc.

After numerous years of labor, in 2005, he was consecrated to the office of Bishop. In 2012, Bishop Trice married Evangelist/Lady Odessa Trice and together they began their journey in ministry and holy matrimony. Also, after much prayer and fasting, the name of the church was changed from True Deliverance Fellowship Inc. to Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International and relocated to the town of Wimauma, Florida.

Compelled by God not to do “church” as usual. KDBMI is a place where you can come experience the presence of God, in liberty and freedom. Our focus is to exhibit the message of the kingdom of God, by love and compassion for each other and supporting those in our communities. The central theme and essence of this ministry is to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. by training the saints to fulfill their God given roles and responsibilities in the church and the body of Christ. We do this by incorporating the message of discipleship instead of membership. Jesus tells us in the scriptures to "make disciples of men."

Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International (KDBMI) is a nondenominational, Bible-based church with its headquarters, based in Wimauma, Florida. We are a kingdom-minded, spirit driven body of believers who have been given a global mandate to impact the lives of others by ways of winning the lost, strengthening families and building the character of all men and women. Our message of truth is based upon the biblical principles, teachings, and beliefs of the word of God.

You're invited to come and join, fellowship and commune with us as we pursue our ultimate goal of pleasing the "King of King and the Lord of Lords!" We pray that this site will be a beacon light in the midst of your obscured times and a pathway of strength in times of struggle during your spiritual walk. We welcome you to the Kingdom Experience!

Apostle Trice is an author. He has published his first book, entitled, “Hidden In The Process of Time”

Apostle Trice travels extensively and evangelizes at various churches throughout the United States, Internationally and around the world. He believes steadfastly that “God has brought him to the kingdom for such a time as this!

For speaking engagements and conferences please contact Apostle Trice at:

For A Copy of This Inspiring Spirit Filled Book:

Please email: Bishop R.D. Trice, Sr. @



Our Vision

Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International, in 2012, was released from the heart of God into the heart of our leader and founder, Bishop Raymond D. Trice, Sr. along with his wife, Lady Odessa Trice, to be a refreshing force to the body of Christ. While the central theme and essence of this ministry is to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, in part this purpose is accomplished by retraining the saints as to what their God given roles and responsibilities in the church are. It is also the vision of this ministry to bring healing and deliverance to those who have been hindered from moving into position for the latter rains.

Here, at the “Kingdom” our vision is simple. We want to be a local church where “Jesus is Lord” and everyone becomes a follower of Christ. We want to be a place where you and your family can experience the love and grace of God and be transformed through an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Our focus is not totally on membership but instead it is “discipleship” Our leaders and leadership are skilled to equip, train, and teach, the end-time church, the essence of kingdom life, and to communicate deep, spiritual truths in a simplified manner.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.”

4 Components of our city vision:


KDBMI has these distinct focuses: RENEW, RESTORE, AND REPOSITION.

Renew: it is our endeavor to cultivate an atmosphere of worship that is spirit filled, and unrestrained, so that God’s people may lose themselves in His presence and be transformed by His power.

Restore: it is our custom to teach and impart truth in a simplified and systematic fashion, so that God’s people may gain kingdom logic to live a successful kingdom life.

Reposition: realizing that posture is important to impartation, our assignment is to train God’s people how-to walk-in faith, live consecrated lives, and to be able to discern and access the things that God has reserved for us in the realm of the spirit.

MANDATE: To build up the lives of the believer through the truths and teachings of Jesus Christ. To take the gospel of the kingdom to the ends of the earth.



The Scriptures. The Bible is the divine revelation of God, imparted to man through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is infallible and given to man for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness so that God's people may mature and accomplish the will of God in the earth. (II Timothy 3:15-17; I Peter 1:23-25)

The Godhead. There is only one True and Living God made up of three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. All are co-equal and co-eternal. (John 1:1-5, 10-14; Matthew 28:18-20)

Man, His Fall, and Redemption. God created man in His image, perfect and without sin. God created man for fellowship with Him, but man rebelled against God and took on the nature of sin. The only way for man to be restored back to fellowship with the Father is through Jesus Christ. (Genesis 1:1-5, 10-14; Matthew 28:18-20)

The Salvation of Man. The sin nature separates man from God, and man′s only hope of redemption is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Those who desire to be saved must believe that Jesus died for their sin and rose again; accept the washing away of their sin by the blood of Jesus; and invite Jesus into their heart and confess Him as their Lord and Savior. (Romans 3:24, 10-18; 10:8-10)

Salvation is an act of grace by which one receives not only forgiveness for sin, but also a new nature—the nature of Christ. Salvation cannot be earned or merited through works; it is a free gift from God to every one of every race, color, or creed who receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. (Psalm 103:3; Ephesians 2:8)

Healing. Jesus took all of our sickness, disease, and infirmities into His own body on the cross so that we would not have to bear them. A believer can access the grace of God through faith for healing, receive divine health for his or her own body, and believe for the healing of others as well. (I Peter 2:24; Mark 16:17-18)

Sanctification. Once a person is born again, he or she should endeavor to live a life that is pleasing to God according to His Word and walk after righteousness, earnestly seeking after God and endeavoring to walk in their new nature, putting away the things of the old, sin nature. (Romans 5:17, 12:2; II Corinthians 7:1)

Water Baptism. Baptism in water is a physical action symbolizing a believer′s putting off of the old, sin nature and being identified with Jesus′ death; and then the putting on of the new nature and being identified with Jesus′ resurrection to the newness of life. (Matthew 28:19; Romans 6:4; Acts 10:47-48)

Communion–The Lord's Supper. Communion is an act of remembrance of Jesus′ body being broken, and His blood being shed for the sins of the world. (I Corinthians 11:24-25, 28)

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. There is a second work of grace, after a person is born again, in which the Holy Spirit pours Himself into the born-again person's spirit. It is the infilling of the Holy Spirit that brings the power of God to a believer. (Acts 2:38, 10:44-46, 19:2; Galatians 5:16-26)

The Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is a gift of God that should be earnestly sought after as evidence of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. This supernatural prayer language is what propels a believer into a greater walk of fellowship with God and a greater walk of victory. (Acts 1:8, 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:2, 6; Galatians 5:16-26)

The Church. The Church is the Body of Christ made up of people redeemed by Christ. Every member of the Church plays a vital role in the fulfillment of God's will on the earth. (Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:19-22; Hebrews 12:23)

Jesus′ Return. Jesus is coming back to earth to gather those who have been born again to live with Him forever. (I Corinthians 15:51-52; I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

Eternal Punishment. Anyone who has not received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will be forever separated from God and will receive eternal punishment with the devil and all his followers. (Revelation 19:20; 20:10-15)

Prayer of Salvation

Dear Lord,
I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me.
I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save me. He did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life as Lord; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you.
I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you.

What is KDBMI?

Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International is a bible believing, bible teaching, spirit filled, non-denominational church, who have been given a global mandate to equip and empower the lives of those who are called to be disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. The central focus of the ministry is training believers to help them to achieve total life prosperity and total life healing

4 Components of our city vision:



  • Evangelism
  • Community Relations
  • Youth Outreach
  • Mentorship
  • Community Services
  • Men & Women Ministry
  • Prison & Jail Ministry

Virtual School

S.W.A.G. ACADEMY (Students Working to Achieve Greatness)

T.P.C. (Teen Parenting Class)

“City-Beat”the heart of the youth and the rhythm of the community!
Displaying your gifts and talents for the kingdom of God!

*rapping *dancing *singing *poetry *mime & dramatic worship

The greatest threat to the future of the world is religion. Nuclear weapons, terrorism, HIV, AIDS, shifting governments, fear of global warming, military coups are simply tools used by religion. More wars have been fought in the name of religion than any other influence. Millions have died over the past 2,000 years under the destructive hand of religion. Even today, here in our cities, communities, neighborhoods and churches, there seems to be a contentment for watered down, preaching and inspirited praise and worshipping in our sanctuaries. People appear to seek to be entertained than they desire to be edified through the teaching of God’s word.

Why is religion so powerful and controlling? Why is it more powerful than politics, military arms, and scientific advancement? It is because religion is not just a social, cultural, political, or ideological factor; Instead it finds its power in the personal chambers of the private motivation that forms perceptions and behaviors. Seriously, man is more willing to die for the sake of his religion than for any political, social, or ideological reason.

Our purpose and mission here at Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries International is to discover the kingdom of God here on earth through the studying and obeying the Word of God. We implement its obedience by training and equipping believers to advance the kingdom through the teaching and preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. .

Matthew 13:44-46
44 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. A man found it, hid it again, then in great joy went and sold everything he owned, and bought that field.


Bishop Raymond D. Trice, Sr. is Founder/Senior Pastor at Kingdom Discipleship Builders Ministries Intl. in Wimauma, Florida. Bishop Raymond D. Trice, Sr. is a minister of the Gospel, with over 40 years of experience. He was called to preach at the age of 10. His anointed message of healing and restoration followed by signs, wonders and miracles transcends every culture, age, and denominational barriers. Bishop Raymond D. Trice, Sr. is a visionary, anointed bible teacher/preacher, author and entrepreneur.  Bishop Trice travels extensively and evangelizes at various churches throughout the United States, Internationally and around the world. He believes steadfastly that “God has brought him to the kingdom for such a time as this!


Have you ever felt like God has forgotten you? Have you been overlooked, missed your moment with destiny? Well, this book will release the hidden strengths within you and provide the inspiration and tools one needs to face life’s challenges and move from areas of being victims to becoming victorious. Get a copy of the anointed, life-changing story of the life of “God’s Man of Faith and Power!” –  Bishop R. D. Trice Sr.

For A Copy of This Inspiring Spirit Filled Book:

Please email: Bishop R.D. Trice, Sr. @


You May Email All Prayer Requests To:
Send Donations To:
P.O. BOX 1242
Bradenton, Florida 34206

Speaking Engagements Please Call:
941-773-8885 or 407-539-4143